In recent years, more and more people turns to the ancient experience of the harvesters and healers healers. The main reason i qualified the lack of medical professionals, as well as the characteristics of the pricing policies of private clinics.
Advantages of non-traditional approach:
- The performance, proven for centuries. Tens centuries the people had no cure other diseases means to use more than the properties of therapeutic natural ingredients. Given that humanity and not only extinguished, but still grew in intensity, it can be argued that we are methods;
- Security. With natural ingredients and, of course, also have can cause contraindications and side effects, but the list is much shorter than the list of restrictions specified in the notes artificially synthesized drugs;
- Prevention. There are Many drugs means of preventing a variety of diseases, the statement of best that and prevent that the disease to treat it in the long term, it requires no proof;
- Efficiency. The value of medicinal plants and lower than that of drugs, and with due I effort interest for the replenish first aid kit that can take the most of the herbs grow everywhere;
- The facilitat of use. Many of the drugs meant for consumption, from 1 to 3 times daily in equal doses and do not require complex therapeutic schemes, in which some smooching;
- Sustainable result. The ingredients work natural, takes time, 3 during the days that don't work, however, the effect persists for a long time.
Medicinal Herbs popular medicine are safe, have no side effects and affordable. Easy Are you can cook for yourself. Healers claim to cure the best to power homes — tea made of hops, it is recommended an infusion take the herba de Sant Joan, Pasternak.

All these herbs increase the potency of men — folk remedies that came to us from the time when official medicine was not developed. Before folk remedies to increase potency quickly and safely:
- Tea with hops. Take 10 grams (one spoon large) that the drying process affected hop cons, pour un glass of water and bring to a boil. Keep it in a bath of water or fire lent for 5 minutes. Use daily morning and evening in half a Cup of 2 months.
- The a of prepared decoctions of the herb of Hypericum. Buy pharmacy, packaging of dry herba de Sant Joan, pour 2 tablespoons. of the plants in 250 ml of boiling water and close the lid. Prepare convenient To use the un thermos. Original works of art of an hour, strain the drink and drink for various meals throughout the day. Herba de sant Joan helps with circulatory problems, and, therefore, a useful erection.
- The power nap. Herba improving This power and strengthens the immune system, so that Pasternak infusion is useful to drink occasionally, even if particular health problems are not accepted. Preparation: 2 tablespoons of root dry to fill the un thermos Cup of boiling water. Two hours later, the infusion and an point. Strain it and take ⅓ Cup 20 minutes before a meal. Pleasant flavour of the drink's add the honey or syrup of fruits to taste.
The improvement of The power in the remedies housing popular s achieved by the Group. A mixture of nuts and honey — delicious I you folk remedy to enhance potency. Eat this meal original works of art of a meal as dessert, I watched as the housing of the power back to you.
Cheese, kefir, natural yogurt, cheeses, also help in the body a to recover sexual function. Probably, in your diet, lack of this food. Buy dairy products high fat and medium, low in fats foods are deprived of useful properties.
The housing and important to be always in the "form".
There are many natural healing products that restore quickly their power. Describe the most-you.
Honey and nuts
The combination of these ingredients and surprising for its range of useful trace elements. Honey miraculously works in the male potency, a nut and a stimulant to the male libido. To recover erectile function at least should eat new 150 grams 50 grams of honey.
Plant constantly This appears in the media to increase the potency. And for a good reason. Ginseng not only increases blood vessels and nourishes the sexual organ, the flow of blood and oxygen, but also a kind of aphrodisiac.
You can make a tincture of ginseng alone, the purchase of the dry powder at the pharmacy. The kitchen and simple: take 1 tablespoon of ginseng I pour un glass of boiling water. Original work of art the liquid s has cooled, strain and drink twice a day, morning and evening.
Juice of carrot
Carrots contains carotene, zinc, qualitatively affecting the power. Juice of carrot better to do a letter, that by drinking only freshly made juice. For a un best effect, and need to add 0.5 tsp. honey.
Juice drink three times a day 200 ml. one of it should be noted also to warn practitioners of this method of recovery of erection: this juice can change the color of The urine. If the un warning home s orange urine – they need not be afraid. That carrot pigment.
This plant since ancient times was considered curative. Today it's often used in supplements to increase the potency. The nettle and a store of vitamins and minerals. Not only This herba increases male libido but also clears the blood vessels and blocking of toxins.
If you drink broth on a daily basis, from the second day, you can feel the un explosion of energy, the vivacity and lightness of a certain body. Of course, nettle also affecting is the stimulation of the penis. Prepare un elixir of healing need to take 1 tablespoon of nettle dry pour un glass of boiling water. Drink the a of prepared boiled, original works of art of the herbs for 30 minutes twice a day.
This has always been used in popular medicine for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis, adenoma of prostate, as well as to the power of households. A main component of zinc, of the united nations and "Salvador" for the housing. To prepare For the un-prepared decoctions of herbs of the thyme and necessary to take 150 grams of flowers that dry your affected I pour 250 ml of water. Drink the broth during the day.
Quickly and effectively boost sexual potency in three days you need to, you can cook a little bit of magic drinks that stimulate the arousal of the penis. To increase the power in a day will not work, but the effect will come very fast.
Aspen bark
The tree bark that has amazing properties. In the first place, it has anti-inflammatory effect, circulation enhancement of blood, dilates the blood vessels and clean them. In addition, with a proper preparation of the stock, immediately which affects the male potency.
To you can cook it wrong and almost impossible. You need to have 200 gr. crust (can be purchased at pharmacies) and pour un litre of boiling water. And important to strain the broth. And better to be in a cool place for 30-60 minutes. Drink 100-150 gr. three times a day.

This root stimulates virility. With the help of this plant you can not only improve potency, but also to prevent diseases such as forgive, adenoma, impotence. This aromatic herba and beneficial effect on the whole body.
You can cook a very simple. You can only grind the skin of the root, take 1 tsp. I add your favorite tea. Also a good way and you can cook with the ginger honey. The proportion 50:50, and a say, 100 grams.
There is another recipe that, in the opinion of the experienced, able to increase the power in a day.
White wine
On this basis of a drink of intoxicating, create un powerful sexual stimulant, in which the effect s observed in half an hour.
Recipe for the purchase of a liter of wine to add un glass of orange juice and 0.5 cups of lemon juice. Then, put in 2 tablespoons. honey, cardamom, mint leaves, 1 tablespoon liqueur cocktail makes one rich and powerful.
But there is a un problem: elixir needs to be heated up on the stove (avoid examine the microwave) boil sense. But once done, we should repeat it for three days. Then the natural stimulator can be applied directly before sex.
Speaking of folk remedies to increase potency in big houses and middle-age, and started with the most Marta ingredients to create healing infusions and concoctions. Are leaves, stems of herbs and medicinal plants.
Useful to increase the sexual activity are considered:
- Tribulus. The plant, which has the un number of important properties, one of which, and stimulating. When used in a infusió'helps the function of stabilizing erectile. For its preparation should be 20-30 g crushed dry raw pour 300 grams of vodka and infuse for 1 week in a dark place. Then, the voltage and use 10-20 drops once a day.
- Dioica nettle. Marta of the plant with an effect strong. To increase the power using the water of infusion. You can cook simple — 1 tablespoon of raw pour 200 ml of boiling water, to insist 2 hours and drink divided into 3 doses per day. So that you can repeat for two weeks, I work of original art, wi-fi, convenient to take a week off.
- I Siberian Ginseng Ginseng. Two well-known natural stimulant. The most commonly used in commonly infusion. For its preparation you need to fill 10 g of the crushed material from each plant of 350 ml of honey to the liquid and infuse for 2 weeks. Then, the use of 20 drops three times a day. Pronounced effect can be seen 1-2 original work of art original work of art months of start.
- Thyme. Due to the presence of zinc and magnesium, stimulates the plant spermatogenesis and increases the concentration of testosterone in the blood. To get stable result and necessary to carry out the treatment in the period of six months. Preparation of tincture: 1 tablespoon dry raw pour un glass of boiling water and let stand 2 hours. Drink 3 times a day.
- Air. Has the root a series of medical unique, among them the stimulation of power. This property can boast of having an alcohol tincture of calamus root. For can you cook: 40-50 g of crushed material pour 200 g of vodka. Tool to insist on a place for dark 2 weeks. Shake well before using. Take 10 drops before each restaurant meal for 3-4 months.
To get help?
With a slight sexual dysfunction folk remedies to improve male potency can act as one of the main drugs. Pronounced Most of the disease requires the un integrated approach in the methods of alternative medicine are related to the subsidiary.
Using the methods of popular medicine:
- To improve the functioning of the nervous system;
- To restore the circulation;
- To increase the production of testosterone;
- To eliminate the effects of stress;
- Strengthen the defenses immune system;
- To normalize the metabolism;
- Strengthen weak erections;
- A delete process in the inflammatory gland of the prostate.
The medicinal Herbs
Herbs of all kinds of taxes and broths based on them have always been able to raise the level of male power and increase the power. There is little products for homes and topical in the age of 60 years. For example, the infusion of the col·col·lecció that includes the herba de Sant Joan, nettle, clover and mint – 5 teaspoon of each un.
These herbs s pour un litre of boiling water and stand for at least an hour. Method of therapy and drink a Cup of infusion a day and fast enough, it works the reproductive system, improves the condition of BPH.
Herbal folk remedies to increase potency for the homes include dishes made with tools from:
- dried flowers color purple (350 ml) of boiling water 15 oz., to drink every night);
- calamus root (chewed pieces or drink a cup a day of un-prepared herbal decoctions of 20 gr. 'root to 250 ml of boiling water a little cool);
- lovage (chopped 20 gr. of "drugs" has added an every day food);
- Herba st. John's wort (steeped for a week herba dry 1 part to 5 parts of vodka, three times a day, 35-40 drops to continue to improve);
- parsley (boil for half an hour on a water bath of 50 grams. vegetation in 200 ml of water, original works of art of cooling, take 15 ml of not less than 5 times a day).
Special attention to the homes original works of art and want the "deep" 50 years to maintain the integrity sexual, it is a way to use the ginseng.
To increase the masculine, the strength and resistance to permanently preserve the potency of the dye-specific:
- You need to take fresh crushed root of ginseng (15 g.), drowning it in or vodka alcohol (100 ml).
- Has The mix to infuse for a week in a cool dark, every day you need agitation, and original works of art of the maturity of the leak.
- Take un popular drugs immediately original work of art primers of the symptoms of the impotence. Daily rate – 100-120 drops divided into three doses.
The ginger-another powerful aphrodisiac natural for men's health. Its application in a good way of increasing the power, to normalize the sexual activity, increase libido, and in addition, strengthens the immune system.

Alternative medicine allows you to apply:
- tea with ginger powder (mix powder (half a teaspoon) in a Cup of boiling water, and original works of art of drink the infusion three times a day with lemon and/or honey);
- raw pieces of the root;
- with bathrooms the addition of ground dry ginger;
- infusion (900 ml of vodka to take 400 gr. 'root in a dark place to infuse for 14 days, stirring occasionally, strain, take twice a day for 10 gr.).