The power level of the un a reflection of the health of men. Problems with his sexual affects the capacities of men and may indicate the presence of pathologies in the body. To understand how to rapidly increase the power of the house, you need to first determine the cause of the sexual disorder.

What and power
Power the capacity of men to maintain sexual intercourse. Low power or in his absence by a barrier sex. In case you have problems with erection you want more action. To improve the potency you may need to adjust your lifestyle, to take supplements special s or drugs.
That determines the power
There are many factors that affect the sexual ability. These include:
- the level of hormones;
- style of life;
- the psychological state.
Exercise and General daily activity is beneficial to the health of men. The houses that lead a sedentary life the libido and erection and much more weak. Also on the sexual opportunities affects the level of testosterone in the blood and the mental attitude. Constant tensions lead to a power decrease.
Causes of sexual disorders
The causes of sexual disorders are:
- inflammation of the prostate;
- the decrease in the level of testosterone;
- the stress of the life or feelings before intercourse;
- diabetes mellitus;
- violation of the circulation of the blood in the penis and the pelvis;
- chronic fatigue.

Weak sexual ability can be associat with psychological or physiological problems. Original works of art to get rid of the causes of the power of a restored.
How to improve a house
To improve the power in the household is male, you can use pills, traditional methods, or exercise. The un integrated approach will help you get more results pronounced.
The use of tablets
Specialized drugs affecting the erection the best solution to the problem if it is related to the psychological and physical discomfort. As a general rule, tablets are used are the before sexual intercourse to improve the chances.
The traditional methods of
Through traditional methods of treatment, and it is possible to provide the body with the missing elements, eliminate low intensity of the inflammation and stress and improve the general condition.
Tinctures and decoctions to increase the power
Infusions are Destinations of the preferred embodiment of The application of many natural products. Use broth within allows them to achieve the desired effect in a short time.
Tincture of nettle leaves
To prepare you will need 200 grams of fresh nettles, pour 500 ml of vodka. The liquid will have to leave for a few days in a flask closed, original works of art to take the strain and 1 teaspoon empty stomach, for 3-6 weeks.

This plant has many beneficial properties. Background, elaborat on the basis of the fenugreek, stimulate immunity and help to fight housing diseases. To prepare For the un-prepared herbal decoctions commonly used then. 2 teaspoons easy money with then beer in to 250 ml of boiling water. The un-prepared herbal decoctions used 2 times a day for 120 ml.
Sodium and the un popular s remedy that is often used in popular medicine. To increase the potency of the baking soda can be used locally, if n there are inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. The ingestion has no effects on libido and erection.
Aspen bark
In the aspen bark contains a lot of nutrients. Can be used for the preparation of decoctions for oral or topical use. Intake allows you to fight with diseases of the genitourinary system. The local application will help you eliminate a heartbeat.
Nettles — a plant that has un effect, local-irritating. Which leads to the improvement of blood flow. Stinging nettle can be used topically in the pelvic area and can also be used in the interior. Dry nettle used can be the following to prepare the un-prepared herbal decoctions: 2 tablespoons of nettle dry pour 500 ml of boiling water and infused for 2 hours. Ready-to-drink liquid at a dose of 100 ml 2 times a day.
A plant perennial that has a number of beneficial effects. Calamus root's used to, you can cook broths. 20 g finely cut root s pour 200 ml of boiling water. The liquid resulting s used 3 times a day for 65 ml. Vehicle The has un anti-oxidant effect.
The un-prepared herbal decoctions fireweed allow you to provide a person with important micronutrients and vitamins. It favorably affects the entire body and sexual function. Fireweed helps to improve the psychological state and improves the immunity and hemoglobin.
Drink ginger root
Prepare For the drink you will need 8 g of ginger root, 2 slices of lemon, 2 tablespoons of honey and 500 ml of boiling water. Ginger cleared from the skin, it is added with other ingredients in a bowl and pour boiling water. Original works of art of this, if you need to give the liquid to infuse I add 2 tablespoons of honey.
Herba de sant Joan
The medicinal herb herba herba de Sant Joan sant joan de has many pharmacological effects. Hypericum Infusion of the following has useful properties: s has effects antispasmodic, exhibits anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial has un effect sedative effect on the nervous system. For the preparation of drugs based on Hypericum, you can use prepared in pharmacy of the herba.
Plant Herbaceous that has immune stimulating, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. Also, this herba has un positive effect on potency. For infusion take 20 g of flowers of lungwort pour 200 ml of boiling water. The un-prepared herbal decoctions and used daily for 2 weeks.
This plant is having antibacterial, I antispasmodic anti-inflammatory effect. The herb thyme contains large amounts than vitamins. Diseases of the reproductive system through the use of pot to get this herba cure quickly.
Therapeutic mix
Therapeutic mixture included in the diet. Have un effect of pharmacological and specific pleasant taste.
Honey dried fruit and nuts
A popular un plate it is recommended that you use it to increase the potency. For the preparation you must walnuts 50 grams, 50 g hazelnuts, 50 g of pine nuts, grind them and mix them with 100 g of honey. The mixture resulting is recommended to eat 1-2 times a day for 1 tablespoon.
Products to increase potency

There are a number of products with beneficial effects on libido and erection. Include seafood, nuts, honey and foods that contains a great number of zinc.
Gifts of the seas and oceans
Recommended to include in the diet:
- cancers;
- shrimp;
- mussels;
- caviar;
- oysters;
- mackerel.
Save For the highest amount of nutrients, it is recommended to can you cook fish and seafood for a couple.
Miraculous pumpkin
The pumpkin products have a lot of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. To enhance the male power, which in the recommended to include in the diet squeeze the pumpkin seeds.
White wine
In the skin of grapes high in antioxidants. The consumption of white wine in a small amount can reduce the negative effects of free radicals, improve the psycho-emotional background and expand the blood vessels. In addition, through the use of white wine, in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
The un non-invasive method for the treatment of various disorders, male sexual. The method to decrease the application of a cylinder in the gap of the penis. Reel s the most that adjusts to the genitals, does lower blood pressure that allows you to improve the flow of blood. The method used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction associated with vascular lesions or senile changes.
In constant stress or fear of intimacy because of the probability of error and the need for psychotherapy. Weak With an experience of the assigned sedative drugs. Also to overcome the syndrome of failure s assigned to them by the stimulants of erection. Original works of art to overcome the fear that was discontinued.
Physical therapy
Physiotherapy can help to improve the blood circulation in the pelvic area and get rid of processes stagnated. You want to perform exercises that involve the muscles of the legs and the pelvis, and also give the total load on the body.
Practice Kegel
The work is oriented oriented to the improvement of the potency, it is recommended to practice Kegel. During the course, you will have to form the so-called public-coccygeal muscle.
The Table. Exercises.
Name | The principle |
Clenching the muscles of the pelvic floor | For these tension muscles you need to perform an action that normally s used for the containment of urination. You must imagine that there are un strong desire to urinate and clench the muscles that you can't do. The tension is maintained for 5 seconds original work of art need to relax. Steps are repeated 10-20 times. |
Clenching the muscles of the anus | You want to perform muscle contraction 10-20 times with the maintenance of the tension for 5-7 seconds. |
The raising of the pelvis lie on your back with your feet knees bent | This exercise allows you to get rid of processes stagnated. The number of repetitions — 10-12. |
Practice Kegel to improve the state of health of men and to tone the muscles of the pelvis.
Vacuum effect
Vacuum massage can improve the power to increase the flow of blood. The procedure is performed in the beauty salon. In front of the vacuum massage is recommended to submit a review for possible contraindications.
Physiotherapy method that's often used in various sexual disorders. The procedure is performed with the apparatus for UV-therapy. Mechanical pulses allows us to recover the tissue and to form new small blood vessels lead to a better filling of the penis with blood during erection.
The treatment according to the oldest traditions of ancient China
Oriental medicine offers many ways to restore power. Great Pays attention not only to the specific problem, but also health in General. Modern physiotherapy treatments and quickly drugs, can reach the goal, but we must not forget about the cause of the problem. You need to change your way of life and regularly engage in prevention.
Change the way of life
To improve the potency, it is recommended to follow the following rules:
- evitar prolonged steady state;
- to perform exercises that involve the muscles of the legs and the pelvis;
- to exclude from the life of Smoking and reduce the consumption of alcohol;
- food that are the foods that are rich in zinc.
In the presence of excess weight that you will have to go on a diet. The smaller percentage of body fat in the higher testosterone level. It is recommended to start participating in active sports. If the work is connected to the activity with constant periods in a sitting position, you need every hour to get up and workout.
Sex common
Class Silverside allows you to avoid examining stagnant processes. The daily recommended amount of sexual activity — not less 1 times in 2 weeks. In extreme cases, sexual intercourse can be replaced by Masturbation.
Get rid of bad habits
The exclusion of a large amount of alcohol and tobacco, it will help to improve the cardiovascular system. This, in turn, has un beneficial effect on potency. They can also be bad habits attributed to the un sedentary lifestyle and lack of activity.
Contrast baths
To strengthen the blood vessels, enhance the immunity and improve the General condition, it can be done un bath of contrast. The sequential effects on the body hot and cold water allows you to tone the vascular system. Contrast rinse takes place on a daily basis. Before using this procedure that are necessary to obtain the permission of the doctor. Among the contraindications to secrete thrombosis, severe vascular disease, cystitis, presence of benign tumors.
Steam bath
Regular trips to the bathroom can accelerate the metabolism, relieve stress and muscle tension to deliver and your body of toxins. Bath has un positive effect on power, but only within reasonable limits. There is No need to expose the body to exposure to extremely high temperatures or a long period of time to be in the steam room. To achieve the un's positive result, a sufficient to visit the bathroom, 1 time a week.

How to improve the power of 60 years
To improve the power of older people use the following methods:
- the hormone therapy;
- drugs specialized to improve the flow of blood;
- adjustment of the life style.
Aging of the male body diminishes the production of testosterone so that the way more you to the use of hormones. Because of the replacement therapy will be able to improve libido and erection.
Vitamins to improve power
To improve sexual capacities, it is recommended simple to apply complex of vitamins. You can also use zinc supplements and various herbal preparations. Vitamins to Take should be in strict accordance with the instructions. Overdosing does not lead a un effect strengthening, and will cause hypervitaminosis.
D and Opinion sexologists andrologists
Experts recommend the approach in the fight against erectile dysfunction individually. There are many reasons for the decrease of the power. Some of them are serious require medical treatment. That do not self-medicate, using Viagra or other media.
In the first place you need to on the un detailed examination. Even with a significant decrease in testosterone, or prostatitis chronic can be alleviated by modern medicine.
Power does the un play very important role in the whole life of the man. To preserve sexual ability as long as possible, you should bring the un healthy lifestyle and the negative prevent examine the factors that may cause the genitourinary of diseases system.