A man's sex life is subject to many external factors that directly or indirectly affect overall health. The amount of physical activity, general activity, lifestyle, mobility, hereditary diseases, ecology, bad habits - this is just a small list of what can cause any disorder.
The reproductive system needs to get all the vitamins and micronutrients it needs in order to function properly, so eating behavior and diet play an important role. Pharmaceutical vitamin complexes are not always kept loose in the body, it is much more beneficial to get vitamins from natural products - this will ensure the strength and maturation of the sperm.
Those men who want to increase their sexual opportunities are also interested in sperm quality. However, a complete and varied diet will help in this case.
Vitamins for men's health.

In order to increase strength and generally improve the health of his body, a man will need a lot of nutrients and vitamins.
In particular, male stamina depends on the level in the body of elements such as retinol (vitamin A), vitamin B, tocopherol, ascorbic acid and medicines belonging to the calciferol group.
- Beta-carotene,otherwise known as retinoic acid and retinol, is responsible for immune system functions that affect health. You can increase the amount of vitamin A (beta-carotene) by changing the diet - you need to add vegetables to the usual menu: red and yellow fruits are appropriate, vegetables - pumpkin and carrots. The amount of vitamin A will also increase if sea and ocean fish are actively included in the diet;
- Vitamin B1 (thiamine)provides brain function and the peripheral nervous system also needs it. An adult needs about 1. 5-2 mg per day. Lack of thiamine feels like lack of sleep. If the level of vitamin V1 in the blood is extremely low, then problems with sleep and fatigue can arise and irritability appears. B1 enters the body from foods such as: potatoes, lentils, Armenian snacks, pork, legumes (including peas), as well as bread and any flour product;
- B3starts the brain and the whole nervous system, has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels. The daily dose of B3 for a man is about 15-25 mg, and its deficiency is fraught with high fatigue, muscle weakness, sleep disorders, depression and headaches. Some types of fish (salmon and tuna), pork (with the least amount of fat), brewer's yeast, peanuts and beets are suitable as a source of niacin;
- B6 (pyridoxine)is involved in the synthesis of serotonin, which is also called the happiness hormone. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. The male body needs 2. 0-2. 5 mg pyridoxine per day. B6 deficiency affects performance and physical activity, possibly numbness of the limbs and the development of muscle weakness;
- B9 (folic acid)is included in almost every vitamin complex). In addition to the production processes of norepinephrine and serotonin. , Folic acid is involved in improving performance. The daily dose is 200 mg, and if the body does not have enough vitamin B9, then this can lead to the development of anxiety, depression, fear and power disorders. For a natural intake of vitamin B9, you should include in your diet salmon, lettuce, cheese, citrus fruits and lentils;
- Vitamin Cis known to almost everyone, is responsible for the production of dopamine (a hormone that controls pleasure and orgasms). The permeability of the vessels also increases significantly, which leads to shrinkage. Vitamin C also interacts with other substances, stabilizes them and, if necessary, activates other beneficial substances, for example, vitamin E is stabilized - this has been proven. Vitamin C is widely used in the traditional treatment of potency problems, but its serious deficiency can adversely affect the treatment process and be observed somewhat. The WHO reported that according to the latest recommendations from scientists, the daily intake of vitamin C varies from 200 mg to 500 mg and is best taken from food. Experts advise taking vitamin C from food, in particular citrus fruits, green and red tomatoes, exotic mangoes, strawberries, black currants, garden plants and other leafy vegetables can be used for this. A low level of vitamin C can result in high fatigue, lead to colds;
- Vitamin Dis a prohormone that accompanies the production of male sex hormone, which is responsible for maintaining strength, sperm maturation and the functionality of the reproductive system. Synthesis in the human body occurs when consuming foods such as milk and butter, fish, cheese and cottage cheese. Vitamin D deficiency is fraught with high fatigue, the general emotional state is assessed as complex, is burdened by increased nervous excitement, depression and muscle weakness may appear;
- Vitamin Eis closely linked to male health and strength because it is tocopherol that participates in ensuring the uniform functioning of the endocrine glands (especially the pituitary gland, which is responsible for productionof sex hormones and normal sperm maturation). A man needs about 12-15 mg of vitamin E per day. Lack of tocopherol can affect men’s health in the saddest way and even lead to infertility in men). Vitamin E can be obtained from food, it can be any seeds or nuts, vegetable oils, egg yolks, as well as meat dishes.
The main aspects of the male diet.
A man's daily diet should include:
- fresh vegetables and leafy salads;
- greens and aromatic plants;
- oily seed products - seeds, nuts or oils;
- dairy products: sour cream, butter and milk; eggs
- (may be chicken or quail);
- seafood and fish;
- meat and offal;
- fruits, berries.
When choosing meat, you should pay attention to the fat content - animal fat will only contribute to the addition of excess weight, which will certainly negatively affect strength. Vegetable products should not be subjected to prolonged heat treatment - high temperatures destroy vitamins and beneficial elements.