Active sexual life brings physical and mental satisfaction, increases self-esteem, and health, as well the questions of the power of the male population is very serious. One of the most common queries on the Internet to find information and answer the questions: how to increase potency in men folk remedies, as well as ways to improve the erection at home.
Pharmacy chains and shops intimate products to choose from, which offers a multitude of advances in the pharmaceutical industry, which main goal is the improvement of relationships and sexual potency in men. Several web sites are full of ads for miracle cures of dubious composition, that the promise of youth energy more durable erections until old age.

Accumulated and the time of the honor of the experience of our ancestors gives you the opportunity to experience the recipes, increase the sexual function of folk medicine. Try on a wide range of different methodologies and tools is not easy, and this article will help men to organize the key information that will increase the quality of sex is simple and accessible folk ways.
The reasons of the decrease of power
According to the surveys, the alteration of erectile function psychogenic in Russia suffers about 75% of men in age of 23 years. We are talking about a reduction in the quality of sexual life, due to the lack of a strong erection, which is not due to the presence of a serious pathology that requires medical intervention. Knowledge and timely elimination of the causes of low male potency is the most reliable way to avoid problems related with sex.
External Causes
The abundance of stress, fatigue, improper diet, bad habits, sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, men's obsessive fear of being insolvent lover, have a significant impact on the potency of men.
Timely detection of negative impacts and their elimination will help to improve the potency and increase the quality of sex life. To correct the negative impact of external reasons, it can be folk remedies, without resorting to the professional assistance and not abusing the pills.
At the individual characteristics
For the majority of the representatives of a strong half of mankind important point is the satisfaction of your partner for sex. Not rare are the cases in which the power of the men of all rights, the erection to arrive on time, but the duration of sexual intercourse is too short for the woman had reached orgasm. In this case, we can recommend ways to increase the resistance and also to the use of drugs, extending the time of lovemaking.
Simple methods to increase the power
The following causes can be easily fixed people's ways and allow you to understand how to increase the potency of men in the home.
Removal of external causes
The benefits of a healthy lifestyle in the case of violations in the sexual sphere in men is of paramount importance. Most of the methods and those tips relate to the issues of proper nutrition, avoid habits that are harmful, as well as the need for physical exercise. Adherence to these guidelines will improve the power, without having to resort to this delicate subject of professional assistance, using the resources available.
Food can provide substantial assistance and to increase the virility in a natural way. What are the products that make up the base of the diet directly influences the ability to provide full sexual intercourse, the brightness sensations, as a man of the seed.
What should be on the table for men who want to improve their sexual energy?
- Fish and seafood. The contents of these products useful amino acids and microelements, which increase the production of the major male hormone testosterone, making them an essential component of the diet for those who want to increase the power. Especially useful in marine fish and shellfish.
- Med. This natural product that contains nutrients that increase stamina and improve the sperm quality. Part of many popular recipes to improve erectile function. Some of the varieties of honey enriched with additional components of beekeeping. The content of beebread or Royal jelly is able to convert this game into a real cure for impotence.
- Nuts. The essential oils contained in them, are considered aphrodisiacs, and therefore, can significantly increase the power. Nuts, dressed with honey, a well-known folk remedy with beneficial properties. The components of this composition is able to quickly boost sexual arousal, and the added to provide enough energy for prolonged lovemaking. This mix, as a way of increasing power, have been used extensively since ancient times.
- Meat. Protein contained in meat products, it is impossible to replace other foods. The essential amino acids necessary for the proper functioning of the reproductive system and keeps the hormones at the required level. The proverb also advises often eat meat products, to be able to boast strong male health.
- The vegetables and fruits. Need to get the vitamins and minerals that increase sperm production, the improvement of its quality. Onion, tomato, turnip – more useful for the health of men. Among the fruits recognized leaders in the improvement of the sexual activity of palma belongs to the citrus. Enrich your diet with vegetables in sufficient amounts, eating fruit can enhance sexual potential.
- Eggs. This product allows to obtain a utility of the protein, and with a fair use prevents the accumulation of cholesterol is harmful. Circulatory system function provides the body with blood and oxygen, including the main of masculinity.
- The herbs and seasoning. It is not surprising that the peoples Caucasians are renowned for their temperament. With a large number of natural and dried herbs, they raise the body's testosterone levels. In addition, the antioxidants found in green plants that can prolong youth by improving cell regeneration processes.
The inclusion in the daily diet of foods from the list will help to avoid problems with potency, improve libido and help to establish the man full sex life. In addition, the majority of the components of proper nutrition will be a good prevention of excessive weight that negatively affects the libido and quality of sex.

Renowned folk remedies, that can increase the power, is tincture of ginseng and Eleutherococcus. The drawing of these unique plants that have the ability to prolong youth and sexual longevity to a ripe old age. Simple folk recipes, which include these funds do not require a large time and financial costs for its preparation, therefore, improve the power with your help we can any home.
To get involved unnecessarily with medicines that you can buy in a pharmacy, it is not worth the.
The willingness of men to increase potency with the help of chemical additives could face unpleasant consequences. Some of them is addictive, most drugs have limitations and contraindications for its use, and some tools are just a cheap publicity stunt, without prejudice of the power.
In case of special needs, the recommendations on the pills can be used, giving only a doctor qualified. The solution of the problems not related to pathological processes, it is possible to trust simple folk ways.
Good power is directly related to the physical activity. Increase the blood flow to the pelvic organs, it is possible to prevent stagnation and to prevent the development of dangerous diseases of the genitourinary system. Muscle training is good for endurance for long sexual intercourse.
Special complex of exercises for men, when their regular run are an effective method of treating premature ejaculation. Feature with constant training will be toned body, which in itself is attractive to the ladies.
It will be useful to master the Kegel exercise. Conscious Control of the muscles, allow you to adjust the level of the erection, increase the sensation during intercourse, and, in General, will help to increase the potency. The advantages of these exercises is that they can be made in any place, imperceptible strain intimate muscles will not have to see.
Get rid of bad habits
The fascination for alcohol and nicotine leads to blockage of the blood vessels, reducing the tone and increases the risk of developing erectile dysfunction. The power of an avid smokers to be in danger, and contained in cigarettes tar and heavy chemicals can cause serious sexual dysfunctions.
The blame for the narrowing of the blood vessels, including those feeding the penis, which filling of the blood is very slow and insufficient for a strong erection volume. To increase the power, while continuing to abuse of the addiction is very difficult.
Stress management
Accidents happen each person, you must learn to deal with, not allowing stress factors to create a gap in their sexual life. Different methods of calming the breathing, meditation, relaxation can reduce the harmful effects of psychogenic stress on the body and increase the power.
If it is possible, men need to avoid conflict and spend more time in nature, surround yourself with only positive people.
Good people through the reduction of stress, and along with the formation of vessels is a douche. The alternating flows of hot and cold water soothes the nerves and tones the body. The Greeks realized, "healthy body, mind healthy".
The adjustment of the individual characteristics
With regard to the correction of the causes that are related to the characteristics of the organism, and are associated with the quality of the erection or retention, the support that may be provided by means of the local application. Widespread between men received ointments, gels, aerosols, drops, to improve the flow of blood to the penis.
You can select the part that increases the size of manhood, with a cooling effect or taste additives.
The use of these funds, it is a good alternative tablet of Viagra or other popular drug. Improve in a matter of minutes erection solutions are safe, not addictive, can be applied to the man at the right time and act quickly. Complex influence on the organism, these funds do not have, which allows you to simply control the power, if necessary.

In the field of folk remedies to increase potency can be attributed to the choice of positions in which an erection is easier to maintain. Choose a posture in which a possible increase in the flow of blood to the penis, you can adjust the duration of the event. For example, the choice of the position "man above" will increase considerably the circulation of the blood, and as a bonus allows you to get more excitement from the contemplation of the female partner.
Follow these simple tips and use of folk methods in the home will allow for many years to enjoy the process without effort, allowing the possibility to increase a man's potential without chemicals.